There are many species of Anthuriums, and it appears no one really seems sure of the number. Even seems undecided, in one section it states 1,000 species and yet has a list of 936 Accepted names of Anthuriums. Regardless it’s A LOT of species and then add to that, ALL the Hybrids – So… if you choose to collect Anthuriums there will always be a new one to find.
Not surprising, Anthuriums are a popular collector plant in Australia, and it’s important to know how best to care for your precious new plant.
The first thing to remember is that Anthuriums like a nice open, well-draining mix.
Here are a few mixes that most people find work really, well for Anthuriums.
- Half “Cymbidium mix” and Half “General Purpose Mix”; OR
- “General Purpose Mix” with added 20-30% perlite (or similar, to open the mix)
And we always recommend that you use a good quality mix that meets the Australian standards.
And what light conditions do Anthuriums like?
In general terms (as it’s going to vary from species to species) give it filtered medium to low light and a moderate amount of water, allowing to dry out totally between waters. And to thrive it needs a moderate amount of feed, so just add it into your regular fertilizer regime.

We find that Anthurium gracile – will tolerate and enjoy higher light conditions then many of the others.
Enjoy growing your Anthuriums and as your collection grows so will your knowledge.
Happy Growing