Philodendron martianum “Fat Boy”
Make sure you get the Authentic Philodendron “Fat Boy” with big chubby stems. Don’t get caught with a “thin, lanky looking boy” get a real “Fat Boy” to add to your Aroid collection.
Finally, this is your chance to get a Philodendron martianum in Australia.
These are seed grown (from our own seed); NOT Tissue Culture.
They make a fantastic indoor plant that will thrive in bright, indirect light in your home. These gorgeous boys are currently been grown in bright light and as you can tell are just loving it! And regardless of what others may say online – they will grow outdoors, dappled light is good but I have some in the full direct sun all day and whilst a bit bleached they are still growing fabulously.
These have been grown from seed from our own specially selected Mother Plants which display the “best” fat stems and gorgeous wide leaves. Neil spent many late nights in the Nursery in attempting to get seed to set – they will only set seed during a two hour window in the middle of the night, on one night only – so a labour of LOVE.
As for most Philodendrons, they require regular, moderate amounts of water but don’t over water. And to thrive it likes a moderate amount of feed, so just add it into your regular foliar fertiliser regime.
Your Plant
These are XL plants in 140mm pots and will be posted IN THE POT. You will get a plant similar to these in the photos (except the ‘Mature Plant’ photo). You can see from the photo of my hand, how large they are.
A few of the juvenile (small first) leaves may have yellow marks, this is from winter (no heated homes here, we grow them tough, so we know they will grow for you) and as your plant pushes out new leaves in the coming weeks these yellow ones can be removed or they will wilt and disappear.
Price Includes FREE Express Post and your opportunity to secure a REAL Philodendron Fat Boy here in Australia.
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