Do you have a Yellow or White Variegated Monstera adansonii?
There is much confusion and mis-information about this, that I thought I would try and explain. I see ones labelled as “yellow” being sold but they really are white. There is very few true “yellow” being sold at the moment.
Firstly, if you have bought one from us – then it is WHITE (unless, we specifically tell you otherwise).
So, let me explain…
A White Variegated Monstera adansonii, when growing healthy and rapid will produce new shoots that unfurl with the ‘white’ looking quite yellow. When the leaves mature they turn white – you just need patience. If you keep one for a few months, you will notice the first leaves it has turn pure white.

If you were to starve one and grow it really slowly (you see them for sale from time to time) then the old leaves would be white and because it so slow, only the latest leaf would be yellowish. This leaf would then turn white before another leaf was produced – thus giving the appearance of more “white”.
Hope that makes sense.
Yellow andansonii
The infamous Yellow Variegated Monstera adansonii or Variegated Monstera adansonii aurea, does it exist?
Well, we have bought a supposed Yellow adansonii. The new leaves unfurl a light green colour and are then supposed to turn yellow. It is certainly DIFFERENT to our others. We are still perserverng to get this plant to be “stable” yellow and therefore have not sold any yet. It is constantly reverting to green, so still waiting to see a “good yellow”.

So, the jury is still out on this one and only time will tell if it turns into anything special. But we will keep you posted and let you know if the “Yellow” becomes something we think you will LOVE.
Now to add to the confusion we occasionally, get some “lime” type colours. It would appear it is just how the chromosomes line up and think this occurs when some layers of the leaf are white and some layers green, so makes it look lime. So far, nothing spectacular has come of it – but we will keep working with it and see what comes.
Happy Growing